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Copyright (c)2005-2022 Criteria Corp. Web-based Pre-Employment Testing Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). All rights reserved. Criteria Corp.'s trademarks include CriteriaSM and On-Demand Assess(tm).

If you are actively searching for work, chances are you will be asked to take a pre-employment assessment as part of the interview process. These pre-employment behavioral assessments, as well as background checks, can be used by employers to help them get a better understanding of you. Your application could be decided by the test. Most companies use preemployment tests to help match personality traits with the kind of person they want to hire.

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Pre-employment test should only be part of a broad set of criteria to assess candidates. These include resumes. interviews. job experience. education. and other relevant factors. Pre-employment test are most valuable when they are used at the top of the hiring cycle to screen out candidates who don't fit the job description. Although tests can be used to help make decisions, employers who use them will ultimately decide based on many other factors. Companies should expect tests not to replace the hiring process but to streamline it.

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It is also important to be realistic, and to understand what to expect during pre-employment testing. There is no way to know what tests will reveal. Anyone who makes such claims is being dishonest. Employers who use testing companies' tests to ensure "99.9% accuracy", or "Never make an unqualified hire again" claims, are either ignorant of the science behind it or trying to misrepresent it. Employers are not guaranteed to make bad hires if they include testing in their hiring process. The test can't be used as a predictor. Some people are great employees and others who don't do well on tests can make terrible decisions. While it is clear that tests are much more reliable predictors than resumes and interviews, employers must be aware that no one method of selecting employees will accurately predict their performance.

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Self-awareness will help you perform on a preemployment assessment in the best way possible. We have seen personality tests fail because people don't know who they are. Even though you might not be in this category, we recommend that you practice the test to get familiar with it. Remember that 60% are required to take some kind of assessment as part the hiring process.

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We recommend you practice for the Caliper Personality Test. Preparing yourself for this test is a good idea. All assessments are similar. Preparation is possible for that specific test, or you can receive help with other tests through Job Test Prep.